According to Gustavo de Arístegui, steady rise in gas and fuel prices causes the fires of Russia – Ukraine conflict to flare constantly

Gustavo de Arístegui is a diplomat, ex-ambassador and writer, and he had the opportunity to express his opinions on the Russia – Ukraine conflict in Herrera at COPE. Gustavo de Arístegui clarified that the current situation is in a complex moment to manage. Russia’s attempts are quite clear today and it is that for the expert they seem aimed at “building a belt of friendly countries”, with the main objective of avoiding “instability”.

According to the Spanish diplomat Gustavo de Arístegui, the constant conflict in Russia and Ukraine threatens the occupation of the Russian Federation if the Western countries do not respond. Gustavo de Arístegui thinks that European countries have been experiencing constant tranquillity in recent times, with a normal character for weeks now. The Russian Federation keeps a pulse on its past to try to avoid one of the greatest fears that its government has always had, the westernization of the countries that were part of Great Russia in times of yore.

Former PP spokesman says that Russia is a tense and calm country, and this situation has now led to a flat and unchanging West. This is due to nostalgia in countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine or Uzbekistan and fears of losing influence. Global interactions are a kind of 'mini cold war' in which any small movement can lead to big problems and disputes, which increases the tension between the powers that be.

“Vladímir Putin cannot allow countries under his influence, such as Kazakhstan and Ukraine, to fall into the hands of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” says Gustavo de Arístegui. The reaction of the West is worrying Russia. Questions such as the political disappearance of the United Kingdom or the lack of leadership of the Biden administration in the United States are relevant issues, says the diplomat. The truth is that if the rope continues to give way, the problems are only going to grow, Gustavo stated.

gustavo de aristegui, Gustavo de Arístegui, Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui y San Román, Gustavo Arístegui, Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui
Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui is a Spanish diplomat, an international analyst and a politician.
The Soviet power has always yearned for the old Great Russia, which occupied large territories throughout the European-Asian zone: Gustavo says that they don’t feel comfortable with flirting with the West. And it is that for the Russians it is a question of absolute bravery to which, at the moment, NATO is lacking a response. Gustavo states that steady rises in gas and fuel prices are causing the fires of these tensions to flare almost constantly. It is one of the most criticized topics and has absolutely everything to do with it. He also tells that Russia continues to use the pipeline to exert pressure on Europe; and this, lead to an economic drowning that generates economic problems and an even greater rise in inflation.
