Former BSE Chairman Sethurathnam Ravi on effect of pandemic on different sectors in India
Sethurathnam Ravi (S Ravi) is the former Chairman of Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) and Founder and Managing Partner of Chartered Accountants’ firm Ravi Rajan & Co., an advisory and accountancy firm, headquartered in New Delhi, India. S. Ravi, former chairman of BSE and Founder of accountancy firm Ravi Rajan & Co, speaks about how the Indian economy and the major sectors of employment were impacted by the pandemic. The globe today is facing a pandemic situation and India has not remained untouched by its negative influence. In fact, as per the BSE Chairman Sethurathnam Ravi, India is the most disruptive considering the economic situation and human lives loss. Nearly every sector has been adversely affected during this period. The reason behind this adverse effect as per S. Ravi was the domestic demand and the supply or exports that sharply dropped with noteworthy exceptions. According to Sethurathnam Ravi BSE , an effort was also made for analysing the e...